Archamedis.NET - The Code Strikes Back!
There is no place like

Gallery Intro

This space is for Memes, Wallpapers, and Art I find interesting. Credit will be given to artists via a link or page or alt tag.

If you find your work on this page and would like credit given or do not want it displayed here, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page.

User submissions are allowed and encouraged! The steps are simple:

  1. Register for an account here.
  2. Under My Profile there is a link named Manage files.
  3. Upload your files paying attention to the file size limits.
  4. Use the Contact Us link while logged in and tell us about your images. Include a Title and Description.

We will review your uploads and add them into the gallery if they are approved. User mailboxes will be coded for easier communitcation in the future.



Some galleries are marked 18+ because of the adult subject matter. There is no xXx here but some galleries may contain artistic nudity, be crude in nature, and generally not for younger viewing. The only way to view those gallery types is to register for an account with us and agree to the Terms of Service in the process.


Current Galleries