Archamedis.NET - The Code Strikes Back!
A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those?

Sat, 07 Jul 2018 16:32:04 -0500

     Added rudimentary tags for news posts, pages, galleries, and other page types. Not trying to make a tag cloud persay with the font size/color differences, just an alternative to categories which I do not want to have. Products can have categories but seperating page content... nah.

     I've read that SEO and tag clouds don't work well together. Search engines will penalize the site for having tags as the links lead to duplicate content. Maybe hide the tag div with JS or something if it detects the almighty GoogleBot and other indexers? More research is needed.

Content Security Policy
Thu, 05 Jul 2018 23:36:19 -0500

Content-Security-Policy... good shit but annoying!

Switched from setting the CSP headers on the webserver to FFS. This allows the script to generate hashes for scripts and styles and add them to the "whitelist".

Switched the editor from WymEditor to CKEditor 4 which is a welcome change. The code is well maintained and didn't require alot of CSP workarounds as I had expected. I saved 30 style hashes to a file that gets automatically loaded *only* when the editor is needed. The inline script to load the editor only needed 1 hash which is auto generated and only loaded when needed as well.

Added automatic hashing of the percentage bar div's as it is using inline styles to set the width according the usage of the user quota.

The global variable count is up along with my blood pressure but CSP is worth having for some added protection.

FFS is now at v .3.3.1b

Independence Day
Wed, 04 Jul 2018 10:03:34 -0500

May your burgers and hot dogs full your bellies and your games be plentiful with loot! Happy Independence Day everybody!


FFS at .3.3b
Wed, 04 Jul 2018 00:50:57 -0500

The past 2 weeks I have been concentrating on updating the code for HTML 5 compliance and it was a long process. I finally got around to implementing the recommended security and site settings from h5bp for Apache 2. Thank the Gods I only had one inline script to allow... it could have been worse. I will definitely try to stay away from those if I can.

CSS is finally getting more mature albeit bloated. All styles have been synchronized and looking pretty good. Only issue so far is the percentage bar for User Quotas which is not working on the production server. Works fine on the development one for some reason. The forms are perfect on Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile mode thanks to a screen detector library and CSS rules for screen size.

Gallery and Product display code got an update and the screen size changes the way items are presented to either one column or multi columns. 

The version is now .3.3b and I can start back to work on my TODO list. Invoices as a page and emailed as well as the administrator Orders DB interface with shipping, refunds, and voids are up to bat. After the holiday... I need a day of good food and games to rest.

Merging Branches Soon
Sat, 30 Jun 18 21:23:52 -0500

Merging PHP code bases is fun. Git is fun. 

Let me stop lying before I get a taste for it. This shit is not fun... its a tool to be used.

Sounds like a setup to a fucked up techie bar joke but fuck it:  There was a laptop and 2 desktops that started going at in in a bar. One desktop who thought it was the "main" desktop started complaining every time it had to do a pull request."Why do I always have to pull when yall usually push? The other desktop who thought it was boss hog from dukes of hazard said: "Dang namit! WT@?!?@?!@? Can't yall just pull down from me instead of some @?!?#@#!? server ?". The laptop thought it was the next best thing to sliced bread and just thought "at least I get out of the local domain... b#@!h". Meanwhile, the server was just cool and casual... sitting at the bar and taking in new sites and finally said: "If yall mofo's would push properly, I wouldnt have to keep track of all the drunken, stoned, WTF changes yall making. Desktop 1: why 6 commits in the course of a minute? How high was your user? Desktop 2: you did more pull requests than any other user... drunk much? Laptop: I think your browser is mis-configured to commit your porn downloads into the code base... STOP DOING E!". 

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