Archamedis.NET - The Code Strikes Back!
Bad Command or File Name. Good try, though.

c0de Twist
Sun, 24 Jun 18 20:58:17 -0500

So ya... even though I love coding in the style of the old username/password dynamic... I think that it complicates the user experience for newcomers. More and more sites are going email/password only and I get it. "Identity" has changed on the internet since the 90s and 2000s... real identities and your virtual ones are becoming the same with the advent and rise of Social Media. Users can login with their Facebook/Gmail/etc. accounts connected to a real user profile for more and more services. While I wish most others be able to enjoy and love the adventures I have had on the net, surfing in a superhero like fashion... you have to eventually play to what the people want. In other words... "If you build it, they will come". 

All of this to say usernames will be removed from FFS and the code will rely on email/password logins plus a new lite ACL for all.

Cart updates, filter_var, Fucking CSS
Sat, 23 Jun 18 11:32:30 -0500

The cart is officially talking to Square via its API and looking pretty good.

All user input (not admin) is now using filter_var for variable sanitation.

Going over options for logging errors with user data like Host, Referrer, Agent, Tor usage. Not sure how this would affect privacy rights. On one hand it allows me to debug things a bit easier and I'm not sharing the information with anyone. On the other hand it means I am logging some user information.Going to update the TOS on all affected sites to explain this.

CSS... ugh. When I try to combine all the style sheets into 1 file it pukes all over the site. Leaving it alone for now...

After the Mailbox for user <--> admin messaging, I'm planning on a feature freeze to audit the code and fix anything that pops up.

v.3.2b Reached
Thu, 21 Jun 18 17:42:24 -0500

Some people hate coding back-end interfaces... I'm on the fence as FFS is gaining more and more options.

Setup a GIT at for FFS and other projects. RhodeCode is just what I have been waiting for.

CSS stage 2 cleanup begun (bangs head).

Sitemap has been added... Menu code got a cleanup...

Tor user check has been added on error logging.

Still on the fence about checkhost and checktoruser... may make an exception for tor users since the IP may change while user is still logged in.

Here we go
Sun, 10 Jun 18 06:50:03 +0000

 1st news post of the new FFS v.3.1a script that will be running all the sites on including Things On Demand and KcsOnline. My to do log is full of nice little notes, fix me, and wtf tags. I decided to publish early as I am getting to the point where developing on a local web server was not feasible while testing payment and shipping API's even in sandbox mode (why?). 

A running change log page needs to be created but for my own sanity let me jot down some major ones:

+ RSS Feeds for pages

+ User Registration / password reset / self user deletion

+ Galleries supporting images and videos

+ Categories and products search

/ Shopping Cart

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